Kids @ Kindy is a privately owned centre approved by the NSW Department of Education and Communities, and operates within the legislative structure of the National Quality Framework. The centre also follows the curriculum outlined in the Early Years Leaning Framework.
a caring, stimulating and of course, fun environment with a comprehensive range of learning resources and equipment
high quality, personalised care, by a dedicated team of qualified and experienced educators
a complete learning and development curriculum
a school-readiness / preschool program monitoring and reporting of each child’s development using the latest on-line portfolio apps
nutritious, home-styled meals & snacks

On an ongoing basis, we review centre policies and practices for consistency with the recognised quality standards, and for current best practice. Kids @ Kindy is approved by the Department of Human Services for families eligible to receive Child Care Subsidy assistance.

We are a Caringbah childcare centre that supports the communities of Caringbah, Caringbah South, Cronulla, Miranda, Taren Point, Gymea, Sylvania, Woolooware, Yowie Bay, Kurnell and others. Child care centres are often referred to as a child care, early learning centre, kindergarten, preschool, long day care or a nursery.